BattledoreBattledorebattledoreBATTLEDORE WITH VARIABLE WEIGHTBattledore placenta – A case reportBattledore placenta and velamentous insertionOn the Battledore Scales of ButterfliesThe Markings on the Battledore Scales of some of the LepidopteraAssociation Between Battledore Placenta and Perinatal ComplicationsFurther Remarks on the Plumules or Battledore Scales of some of the LepidopteraMonochorionic, monoamniotic, double-battledore placenta with stillbirth and postpartum cerebellar syndromeCoexistent Circumvallate Placenta and Battledore Insertion of Umbilical Cord Resulting in Grave Obstetric Outcome: A Case Report.Clinical Significance of Prenatal Application of Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Velamentous Placenta and Battledore Placenta