- In some cases, instead of a cast, a splent splint made of a plastic or metal will be secured over the area to restrict movement.
在有些情况下,由塑料或金属制作的托板会代替模子来固定住这块区域来限制移动。 - The carpenter dubbed the splint.
木匠把夹板修平。 - She wore a metal splint on one leg.
Splint and or Method of Making Same
Attachment of a splint to enamel of lower anterior teeth.
Bioresorbable airway splint created with a three-dimensional printer
Splint assembly for improving cardiac function in hearts, and method for implanting the splint assembly
Mandibular advancement splint: an appliance to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
The efficacy of oral splint in the treatment of myofascial pain of the jaw muscles: a controlled clinical trial
Aromatic architecture. Use of the N-methylamide structure as a molecular splint
A Randomized, Controlled Study of a Mandibular Advancement Splint for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
No difference between two splint and exercise regimens for people with osteoarthritis of the thumb: A randomised controlled trial
Temporomandibular joint disk displacement without reduction. Treatment with flat occlusal splint versus no treatment