Bawd and Man at YaleBishop, Prioress, and Bawd in the Stews of SouthwarkThe Mother as Bawd in The Revenger's Tragedy and A Mad World, My MastersTHE BAWD AND THE BARD: MERCY TEMPERS STRICT STATUTORY APPLICATION IN SHAKESPEARE'S MEASURE FOR MEASUREThe whore, the bawd, and the artist: the reality and imagery of seventeenth-century Dutch prostitutionJames Mabbe (ed. de José María Pérez Fernández). The Spanish BawdArt & lies : [electronic resource] a piece for three voices and a bawd /"The Trust and Credit of a Guinea-Bawd": Circulation, Credit, and the Bodied Economy in Thomas Southerne's OroonokoDāmodaraguptaviracitaṃ Kuṭṭanīmatam : The bawd's counsel : being an eighth-century verse novel in SanskritJames Mabbe: The Spanish Bawd . Edited by José María Pérez Fernández. Pp. 412. London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 2...