- A squared rectangle is a rectangle dissected into at least two squares.
Curvature squared terms and string theoriesExact Mean Integrated Squared ErrorWhat's wrong with mean-squared error?Minimum mean squared error equalization using a priori informationMean squared error: Love it or leave it? A new look at Signal Fidelity MeasuresTesting the equality of prediction mean squared errorsSquared-Change Parsimony Reconstructions of Ancestral States for Continuous-Valued Characters on a Phylogenetic TreeDIAGNOSTIC CHECKING ARMA TIME SERIES MODELS USING SQUARED‐RESIDUAL AUTOCORRELATIONSBovik, A.C.: Mean squared error: love it or leave it? - A new look at signal fidelity measures. IEEE Sig. Process. Mag. 26, 98-117Eigenvalues of a Linear Fourth-Order Differential Operator with Squared Spectral Parameter in a Boundary Condition