- He oiled the squeaky hinges of the door.
他给吱吱作响的门折叶上了油。 - Flute is too high and too squeaky to play.
"Squeaky Wheel"optimization
A Squeaky Reputation: The Problem May Be Design-dependent
Improved Squeaky Wheel Optimisation for Driver Scheduling
A squeaky wheel optimisation methodology for two-dimensional strip packing
'Squeaky Wheels and Flat Tires': a case study of students as reform participants
Combining genetic algorithms with squeaky-wheel optimization
The squeaky wheel gets the grease: parental pain management of children treated for bone fractures
The squeaky wheel gets the grease—an empirical analysis of customer voice and firm intervention on twitter
Solving the Pick up and Delivery Problem with Time Windows Using Squeaky Wheel Optimization with Local Search
School-based service utilization among urban children with early onset educational and mental health problems: The squeaky wheel phe...