corn starch玉米淀粉,玉米粉
modified starch变性淀粉;改性淀粉
potato starch马铃薯淀粉;生粉;太白粉(台湾叫法)
wheat starch小麦淀粉;澄粉
starch content淀粉含量
maize starch玉米淀粉;玉蜀黍淀粉
sweet potato starch甘薯淀粉;蕃薯粉;地瓜粉
rice starch米粉糊液,米淀粉
oxidized starch氧化淀粉
cassava starch木薯淀粉
tapioca starch木薯淀粉
starch paste淀粉糊
starch granule淀粉颗粒;淀粉粒
soluble starch可溶性淀粉
lotus root starch藕粉
starch sugar淀粉糖
native starch原淀粉;天然淀粉
starch grain淀粉粒
starch syrup淀粉糖浆
starch solution淀粉溶液
- The ruffles on his white shirt were starched and clean.
白衬衫的褶边浆过了,很干净。 - Her dress was grey calico, protected by an enormous starched white apron.
她穿着灰洋布的衣服,胸前围着一条硕大无朋的、浆得发硬的白围裙。 - He hated tight starched collars.
他不喜欢紧绷而僵硬的领口。 - My clothes are not starched enough.
Starched carbon nanotubes.
Starched Carbon Nanotubes †
Microwaveable flour-starched based food product
Characteristics of destarched corn fiber extrudates for ethanol production.
Composition of a steeped starched-containing grain and a cellulase enzyme
Research on Preservation Conditions of Starched Cooking Materials
Fast and high yield recovery of arabinose from destarched wheat bran
Extraction and purification of arabinoxylan from destarched wheat bran in a pilot scale
Improvement in enzymatic desizing of starched cotton cloth using yeast codisplaying glucoamylase and cellulose-binding domain
Non-alkaline solubilization of arabinoxylans from destarched wheat bran using hydrothermal microwave processing and comparison with ...