- A wild dog peers out from tall green grass in Botswana.
The Effect of Apical Foramen and Electrode Diameter on the Accuracy of Electronic Root Canal Measuring Devices
Special Project #: 52, 52RI-R6, (JD: 52 RS)
Combatting Misinformation-A Continuing Challenge for Nutrition Professionals.
Treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Ljubljana: Outcome report for 9 years (2001–2009)
Wheelchair footrest tether
Panic in the Pantry: Facts and Fallacies About the Food You Buy
The assessment of contact stress in the hip joint after operative treatment for severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis
Abnormal carbohydrate metabolism in patients with hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipemia.
STARE: Testing Black Hole Mass Measurements in Active Galaxies
E– urban systems