- A female love of Starr's had moved away and she was heartbroken.
此时的斯塔尔正因为一位女性情人的离去而伤心不已。 - I mention Willey's sad tale here because of what Starr did with it.
Metamaterial electromagnetic cloak at microwave frequencies
Hierarchy: Perspectives for Ecological Complexity
Hierarchy: Perspective for Ecological Complexity
The social transformation of American medicine /
Continuous insulin infusion reduces mortality in patients with diabetes undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting
Giant magnetoresistance in heterogeneous Cu--Co and Ag--Co alloy films (invited)
Continuous intravenous insulin infusion reduces the incidence of deep sternal wound infection in diabetic patients after cardiac sur...
Dwyer, Catherine, and Passerini, Katia. . Trust and Privacy Concern Within Social Networking Sites: of Facebook and MySpace.
System and method for transmission of data
Distribution of Hydrogen in the Near Surface of Mars: Evidence for Subsurface Ice Deposits