- Bee Mario has the ability to use his stinger
蜜蜂马里奥可以获得使用刺的能力。 - If the stinger is still in your skin from the bee sting, you need to remove it.
如果蜂螫之后,刺留在了皮肤里,你就需要把它拔出来了。 - This nightmare of a dentist's drill was tapered like a bee's stinger.
Subsurface tubing hanger and stinger assembly
STINGER: High performance data structure for streaming graphs
Upper trunk brachial plexopathy. The stinger syndrome.
The mauve stinger Pelagia noctiluca Distribution, ecology, toxicity and epidemiology of stings A review
Functional aspect of the evolution of the stinger in hymenoptera
Large scale metric learning from equivalence constraints
The ratio of fibrinogen to red cells transfused affects survival in casualties receiving massive transfusions at an army combat supp...
Relaxed Pairwise Learned Metric for Person Re-identification
Multivariate analysis of risk factors for postoperative complications in benign goiter surgery: prospective multicenter study in Ger...
Protective defunctioning stoma in low anterior resection for rectal carcinoma.