- Instantly, the clouds' fringe turned as smooth as a stithy from the sunflower's overlapping shape, while the clouds became gloomy as they should be.
The Cave and the Stithy: Artists' Studios and Intellectual Property in Early Modern EuropeFoundry of the Stithy with Tapered Deep and Thin HoleSmithy Rhymes and Stithy Chimes, etc. (Additional Poems, etc.).The effect of the symptom self-management program on psychotic relapse for patients with chronic schizophrenia /Sudaporn Stithyudhak...The molten flow from Vulcan's stithySTITHE: STITHYA Familiar Epistle To A FriendSchnittpunkte zwischen Kunst und InteraktivitätAct 3, Scene 2Queen of the artists' studios, the story of Audrey Munson