- He is reading a storybook on the deities of ancient Greece.
他正在读一本关于古希腊诸神的故事书。 - This storybook is very interesting.
这本故事书很有意思。 - Finally she saw her storybook published.
Audio storybook
Use of Storybook Reading to Increase Print Awareness in At-Risk Children
Storybook reading and parent teaching: links to language and literacy development.
ELL preschoolers’ English vocabulary acquisition from storybook reading ☆
The differential effect of storybook reading on preschoolers' acquisition of expressive and receptive vocabulary.
What Children Are Looking at during Shared Storybook Reading: Evidence from Eye Movement Monitoring
Mothers' extratextual comments during storybook reading: Stylistic differences over time and across texts.
Home Storybook Reading in Primary or Second Language With Preschool Children: Evidence of Equal Effectiveness for Second‐Language V...
Talk During Book Sharing Between Parents and Preschool Children: A Comparison Between Storybook and Expository Book Conditions