- There was now no loophole of escape for straggling and daring individuals.
Straggling in thin silicon detectors
Straggling in energy loss of energetic hydrogen and helium ions
Stopping Power and Energy Straggling for Swift Protons
Calculation of energy straggling for protons and helium ions
Energy loss and straggling of charged particles in plasmas of all degeneracies
Empirical formulae for energy loss straggling of ions in matter
Calculations of nuclear stopping, ranges, and straggling in the low-energy region
Stopping power and straggling of 65–500 keV lithium ions in H 2 , He, CO 2 , N 2 , O 2 , Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe
Differences in straggling rates between two genera of dove lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) reinforce population genetic and cophylogene...
Proton Range-Energy Tables, 1 keV-10 GeV, Energy Loss, Range, Path Length, Time-of-Flight, Straggling, Multiple Scattering, and Nucl...