- There is a streamlet in front of our youth hostel.
旅舍门口有小溪,没见码头。 - The car weaves through the villages, crosses the canyon, and then runs along with a streamlet.
Streamlet Tractography
254 artificial streamlet [n]
Viscous fluid streamlet flow down an inclined superhydrophobic surface
Assessment of Rotationally-Invariant Clustering Using Streamlet Tractography
Restricted-movement paradigm: Fish displacements in a small lowland streamlet
Evaluation of contamination on Sabino streamlet (Basin Rio Tibiri) by heavy metals originated from waste and effluents of the Ribeir...
Fallen leaves on the water-bed: diurnal camouflage of three night active fish species in an Amazonian streamlet
About a sporadic phenomenon of fish mortality by environmental hypoxia in the senandes streamlet, state of rio grande do sul, brazil
Physic-chemical evaluation of leach and water from the Borba Gato streamlet within the catchment area of the urban waste landfill of...