Receiver functions in northeast China – implications for slab penetration into the lower mantle in northwest Pacific subduction zone
Melting Phase Relation of Nominally Anhydrous, Carbonated Pelite at Sub-arc Depths and Cycling of Sedimentary Carbon in Subduction Z...
Formation of the Late Palaeozoic Early Mesozoic Karakaya Complex and related ophiolites in NW Turkey by Palaeotethyan subduction-acc...
The stability and composition of phengitic muscovite and associated phases from 5.5 to 11 GPa: Implications for deeply subducted sed...
Experimentally Determined Phase Relations in Hydrous Peridotites to 6·5 GPa and their Consequences on the Dynamics of Subduction Z...
Oxygen and hydrogen isotope study of high-pressure metagabbros and metabasalts (Cyclades, Greece): implications for the subduction o...
Trace Element Partitioning and Accessory Phase Saturation during H2O-Saturated Melting of Basalt with Implications for Subduction Zo...
Quaternary minettes and associated volcanic rocks of Mascota, western Mexico: a consequence of plate extension above a subduction mo...
Geology of the Eel River Basin and adjacent region: Implications for Late Cenozoic tectonics of the Southern Cascadia subduction zon...
Igarashi, T., Matsuzawa, T. & Hasegawa, A. Repeating earthquakes and interplate aseismic slip in the northeastern Japan subduction z...