Suboptimization.SuboptimizationSuboptimizationOPTIMIZATION AND SUBOPTIMIZATION IN FISHERY REGULATIONSuboptimization techniques for improving transients in adaptive controlâPlant-Location Model Suboptimization for Large ProblemsOptimization and Suboptimization in Fishery Regulation: CommentThe Coase Theorem and Suboptimization in Marketing ChannelsMultiple pricing and suboptimization in dual linear programming algorithmsNecessary conditions for nonlinear suboptimization over the weakly-efficient setCentral Intertwining Lifting, Suboptimization, and Interpolation in Several Variables ☆Solving the Pareto-improving toll problem via manifold suboptimizationNecessary Conditions for Suboptimization over the Weakly Efficient Set Associated to Generalized Invex Multiobjective Programming