- She's at a suggestible age.
她处于易受影响的年龄。 - He was young and highly suggestible.
How Suggestible Are Preschool Children? Cognitive and Social Factors
Memory for Childhood Events: How Suggestible Is It?
The response alternatives of suggestible and non-suggestible individuals
Are patients with somatization disorder highly suggestible?
Are dysphoric individuals more suggestible or less suggestible than nondysphoric individuals?
Young Adults Can Be More Suggestible than Older Adults: The Influence of Learning Differences on Misinformation Reporting.
What makes your brain suggestible? Hypnotizability is associated with differential brain activity during attention outside hypnosis
Influence of clinical information on the interpretation of urinary cytology in bladder cancer: how suggestible is a cytologist?
Change in Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second After Sham Bronchoconstrictor in Suggestible but Not Suggestion-Resistant Asthmatic S...