- She refused her suitor.
她拒绝了求婚者。 - They had considered her suitor ambitious and upwardly mobile.
他们认为她的追求者抱负不凡,积极进取。 - No one can be at once suitor and judge.
Dietary Reference Intakes: the new basis for recommendations for calcium and related nutrients, B vitamins, and choline.
Dietary Reference Intakes
The history and status of research in fouling of heat exchangers in cooling water service
Explaining Mothers' Ambivalence Toward Their Adult Children
It's about time: How, why, and when networks change
Eating at School: How the National School Lunch Program Affects Children's Diets
Explaining Mothers' Ambivalence Toward Their Adult Children
Violence and Violent Feelings: What Causes Them Among Family Caregivers?
A cooperative communication intervention for nursing home staff and family members of residents.
"Will I Ever Escape My Child's Problems?"Effects of Adult Children's Problems on Elderly Parents