calculatingtheirspectra.WepresentstrongevidencethatthedistributionsarePoisated4-regularCayleygraphsonSL2(Fp),S10,andlargecyclicgroup...The chemistry of graphene oxide.Concurrent multipath transfer using SCTP multihoming over independent end-to-end pathsEncryption system with transaction coded decryption keyEnergetic cost of locomotion in kangaroos.Safety in shipping: the human elementModulation of K^+ Channels in Vicia Stomatal Guard Cells by Peptide Homologs to the Auxin-Binding Protein C TerminusMechanisms of atrial fibrillation: mother rotors or multiple daughter wavelets, or both?Improved Long-Term Conversion of Limestone-Derived Sorbents for In Situ Capture of CO2 in a Fluidized Bed CombustorMirror extreme BMI phenotypes associated with gene dosage at the chromosome 16p11.2 locus