- If this sounds surreal, let me refine the last statement.
如果这听上去有些超现实,那么让我来提炼一下最后一句吧。 - The terrifically surreal sets in this comic and touching film are wonderful.
极度超现实的场景为这部感人的喜剧增添科幻的色彩。 - Meeting you here like this is positively surreal!.
Fields of surreal numbers and exponentiation
Personality and preference for surreal paintings
An introduction to the theory of surreal numbers
An introduction to the theory of surreal numbers /
Role-play, real-play, and surreal-play in the ESOL classroom
Design for the surreal world?:a new model of socially responsible design
Quantum trajectories, real, surreal or an approximation to a deeper process?
The ideal, real and surreal in school–university partnerships: reflections of a boundary spanner
Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia
Preventing breast cancer in LMICs via screening and/or early detection: The real and the surreal