Plants get ill too
Suicide or Survive launches Wellness Workbook
Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 isolates more tolerant of heat, acid, or hydrogen peroxide also survive longer on surfaces.
Human eosinophils preferentially survive on tissue fibronectin compared with plasma fibronectin.
The euryarchaeotes, a subdomain of Archaea, survive on a single DNA polymerase: fact or farce?
Purified Neurons can Survive on Peptide-Free Graphene Layers
Purified neurons can survive on peptide-free graphene layers.
Can Georges Bank larval cod survive on a calanoid diet?
Can human mesenchymal stem cells survive on a NiTi implant material subjected to cyclic loading?
Cells seeded on MBG scaffold survive impaction grafting technique: Potential application of cell-seeded biomaterials for revision ar...