스웨징(swagging) 작업자에서 수지진동증후군 및 신경전도장애Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome and Neural Conduction Impairment in Swagging Workers Exposed to Hand-Arm VibrationSwagging tape for drapery constructionA controlling design of simulating swagging equipment being based upon a digital AC servo systemSwagging the biggest decisions you make.(purchasing)Swagging tape for drapery constructionThe IS Function in the Virtual Organization: Who's Wagging Whom?SARA's Wagging Finger: Canada's Courts Are Not Allowing the Government to Shirk Its Responsibility to Protect BiodiversityWho's Wagging the Dog: State, Rent-seeking, and Finance in South Korean NIC-hoodTails and Dogs: Who’s Wagging? The Inversion of “Technical Conversion Processes” and “IT Technical Systems” in Designing Organi...