- A story is told about a Swede who wanted to join Napoleon's Grand Army.
有一篇故事讲的是一个要参加拿破仑的瑞典人的事。 - The Swede was warned that the great man would probably ask him some questions.
Glucosinolate response of swede, kale, forage and oilseed rape to root damage by turnip root fly (Delia floralis) larvae.Glucosinolate responses of swede, kale, forage and oilseed rape to root damage by turnip root fly ( Delia floralis ) larvaeGlucosinolate profiles in the seed, root and leaf tissue of cabbage, mustard, rapeseed, radish and swede.Differences in fracture pattern between an urban and a rural population: A comparative population-based study in Southern SwedenFamilial colorectal adenocarcinoma and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer: a nationwide epidemiological study from SwedenDoes forest continuity matter in conservation? - A study of epiphytic lichens and bryophytes in beech forests of southern SwedenPsychosocial resources and persistent smoking in early pregnancy--a population study of women in their first pregnancy in Sweden.What Determines the Current Presence or Absence of Permafrost in the Torneträsk Region, a Sub-Arctic Landscape in Northern Sweden?Comparison of early and late mortality in men and women after isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery in Stockholm, Sweden, 19...Bringing the State Back In: State Structures and the Possibilities for “Keynesian” Responses to the Great Depression in Sweden, Br...