Swinging doorSwinging doorSwinging doorStructure of myoglobin-ethyl isocyanide. Histidine as a swinging door for ligand entryTraffic responsive control system for automatic swinging doorThe swinging doors of perception: stereomotion without binocular matchingThe ‘swing-door’ technique for uncinectomy in endoscopic sinus surgerySwinging door flap technique for endoscopic transeptal repair of bilateral choanal atresiaPostauricular undersurface tympanic membrane grafting: some modifications of the "swinging door"technique.Optimization of the Side Swing Door Closing EffortAn Optimized Swinging Door Algorithm for Identifying Wind Ramping EventsHeaven's Swing Door: Endogenous Skills, Migration Networks and the Effectiveness of Quality-Selective Immigration PoliciesHeaven's Swing Door: Endogenous Skills, Migration Networks, and the Effectiveness of Quality‐Selective Immigration Policies