SyllepsisSYLLEPSISSyllepsis vs. Zeugma and their translationSyllepsis in Larixlaricina: occurrence and distribution of sylleptic l...SYLLEPSIS, MIMESIS, SIMULACRUM: "THE MONK"AND THE GRAMMAR OF AUTHENTICITYSyllepsis in Larix laricina: analysis of tree leaders with and without sylleptic long shootsPreformed and neoformed syllepsis and prolepsis of European Beech - (Fagus sylvatica L.)Syllepsis in Larixlaricina: association of sylleptic branching with cross-sectional stem growth and stem form of saplingsInfluence of cultivar and rootstock on early growth and syllepsis in nursery trees of pear (Pyrus communis L., Rosaceae)Influence of cultivar and rootstock on the early growth and syllepsis in nursery trees of pear (Pyrus communis L., Rosaceae). Braz A...