TakeawayTakeawayTakeawayCan takeaway food be safe for peanut allergy sufferers?Takeaway food consumption and cardio-metabolic risk factors in young adultsSocio-economic differences in takeaway food consumption among adultsNutritional challenges and health implications of takeaway and fast food.RECLOSABLE FLEXIBLE PACKAGING HAVING HEADER WITH CUSTOMER TAKEAWAYThe nutritional challenge and health implications of takeaway and fast foodSocioeconomic disadvantage and the purchase of takeaway food: A multilevel analysisConsumption of takeaway and fast food in a deprived inner London Borough: are they associated with childhood obesity?An outbreak of Vero cytotoxin producing Escherichia coli O157 infection associated with takeaway sandwiches.Computing system arbitrating and selectively providing resource-seeking tasks with takeaway of non-shareable resources