in tandem adv. 一前一后地;协力地
tandem mill连轧机;串列式轧机
in tandem with同…合作/串联
tandem rolling连轧;交叉轧制
tandem repeat串联反复
tandem accelerator串联加速器;串列式加速器
- Many installations use a tandem combination of two valves.
许多情况下都是采用两个阀门串联安装。 - A series circuit is one in which two or more pieces of apparatus are connected end to end or in tandem.
串联电路是一种两个以上元件尾衔接或串在一起的电路。 - I've never ridden a tandem bicycle before.
我从来没骑过双人自行车。 - You have a choice of a tandem if you want to ride together.
TANDEM: matching proteins with tandem mass spectra.
Mutation of human short tandem repeats.
A polymer tandem solar cell with 10.6% power conversion efficiency
Internal tandem duplication of the flt3 gene found in acute myeloid leukemia
The tandem affinity purification (TAP) method: a general procedure of protein complex purification
Tandem duplication producing a novel oncogenic BRAF fusion gene defines the majority of pilocytic astrocytomas
Absolute quantification of proteins and phosphoproteins from cell lysates by tandem MS
The presence of a FLT3 internal tandem duplication in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) adds important prognostic informati...
Eng, J., McCormack, A.L. & Yates, J.R. An approach to correlate tandem mass spectral data of peptides with amino acid sequences in a...
Eng, J.K., McCormack, A.L. & Yates, J.R. III An approach to correlate tandem mass spectral data of peptides with amino acid sequence...