- I love the tangy smell of the sea air when I go to the beach.
我去海边的时候很喜欢海风这种强烈的气息。 - The tea goes with this tangy lemon tart perfectly.
Viruses, Vol. 5, Pages 2384-2409: Vaccines in Development against West Nile Virus
The antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin S4 inhibits HIV-1 infectivity in vitro
Nedd4.1-mediated ubiquitination and subsequent recruitment of Tsg101 ensure HTLV-1 Gag trafficking towards the multivesicular body p...
Live measles vaccine expressing the secreted form of the West Nile virus envelope glycoprotein protects against West Nile virus ence...
A Molecularly Cloned Schwarz Strain of Measles Virus Vaccine Induces Strong Immune Responses in Macaques and Transgenic Mice
A single injection of recombinant measles virus vaccines expressing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 clade B envelope glyco...
Measles Virus Induces Oncolysis of Mesothelioma Cells and Allows Dendritic Cells to Cross-Prime Tumor-Specific CD8 Response
Inhibition of IFN-α/β signaling by two discrete peptides within measles virus V protein that specifically bind STAT1 and STAT2
Pediatric Measles Vaccine Expressing a Dengue Antigen Induces Durable Serotype-specific Neutralizing Antibodies to Dengue Virus