- The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills.
Chronic benzodiazepine use in general practice patients with depression: an evaluation of controlled treatment and taper-off: report...
To switch or taper off: the dynamics of saturation
Optimization of Electric Power Leveling Systems by Taper-Off-Reflectance Particle Swarm Optimization
Failed Prednisone Taper off after Heart Transplant: Is There a Price To Be Paid?
Outcome of patients who taper off opioid maintenance during in-patient rehabilitation treatment for opiate use disorder. A controlle...
Asia BD uptrend may taper off on weak China demand, new supply
CBT Helps High-Risk Patients Taper off Opioids
Mixed Signals Economist Predicts Home Sales Will Taper off, but Prices Will Continue to Increase
I'm looking to taper off a medication that I'm taking. Should I just start taking it every other day?
Bahrain's Protests Taper Off