- The firm's good name was badly tarnished by the scandal.
Tarnishing of Mo/Si multilayer x-ray mirrorsRapid tarnishing of silver nanoparticles in ambient laboratory airTarnishing of Silver by Organic Sulfur Vapors: Rates and Film CharacteristicsReduction of silver tarnishing and protection against subsequent corrosionTarnishing Silver Bullets: Bt Technology Adoption, Bounded Rationality and the Outbreak of Secondary Pest Infestations in ChinaShift in investment between sexually selected traits: tarnishing of the silver spoonProtection of Silver-Based Alloys from Tarnishing by Means of Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor DepositionThe formation of self-assembling membrane of hexadecane-thiol on silver to prevent the tarnishingMachine dishwashing detergents containing an oxygen bleach and an anti-tarnishing mixture of a paraffin oil and sequestrantMachine dishwashing composition containing oxygen bleach and paraffin oil and benzotriazole compound silver tarnishing inhibitors