- Then open the door, and flee, and tarry not.
说完了,就开门逃跑,不要迟延。 - Why did he tarry so long on his way?
他为什么在途中耽搁了那么久? - He tarried for a few days in my house.
他在我家里小住了几天。 - Tarry awhile at this charming country inn.
- This road needs to be tarry so that it can last longer.
Recognition of Cognate Transfer RNA by the 30S Ribosomal Subunit
Ageing and telomeres: a study into organ‐ and gender‐specific telomere shortening
Selection of tRNA by the Ribosome Requires a Transition from an Open to a Closed Form
Immunological and feeding studies on antigens derived from the biting fly, Stomoxys calcitrans
Crystal Structures of the Ribosome in Complex with Release Factors RF1 and RF2 Bound to a Cognate Stop Codon
Ageing and telomeres: a study into organ- and gender-specific telomere shortening
Immunotherapy of murine transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder using alpha and gamma interferon in combination with other forms ...
Supporting information: Tuning Escherichia coli for membrane protein overexpression.
L-arginine improves endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation and reduces intimal hyperplasia after balloon angioplasty.
An Evaluation of Some Conflation Algorithms for Information Retrieval