- She replied, speaking for the first time, in her usual tart and offhand way.
- She popped the tart into the oven.
Tarting up the tartTarting up 'Law & Order'Tarting up 'Law & Order' | The TyeeChristian Tarting, Il SaltoTarting Up an Old Legacy System Using Intranet Technology and Internal Electronic CommerceTarting up the past: designers bring original touches to rigorous adaptations and period pieces.(SEAM STRESS: COSTUME DESIGN)C LIMATE S UMMIT IN B ALI : S TARTING P OINT FOR DECISIVE S TEPS TOWARDS A LOW - EMISSION MODEL OF PROSPERITY ?Book Review: Tarting up the old LadyA Diary of The Lady: My first year as Editor, by Rachel Johnson (Penguin Fig Tree, pp323, £16.99)Although they are in peak season, world-weary supermarket plums may need a bit of tarting upFayre Enough? No; EATING OUT: After Spending Pounds 750k Tarting This Place Up, Our Tam Reckons They Should Have Invested Some of Th...