Autophony in patients with patulous eustachian tube: experimental investigation using an artificial middle ear.Objective assessment of autophony in patients with patulous Eustachian tube.Improvement in autophony symptoms after superior canal dehiscence repairThe effects of mastoid aeration on autophony in patients with patulous eustachian tube.Imaging Case of the Month: Autophony in a Patient with Giant Cell Tumor of the Temporal BoneMechanism of Hearing Loss and Autophony Caused by Patulous Eustachian TubeMechanism of Hearing Loss and Autophony Caused by Patulous Eustachian TubeCompetition and Collusion in the American Automobile Industry: The 1955 Price WarImplantable auditory system with micromachined microsensor and microactuatorAbasic analogues of TSAO-T as the first sugar derivatives that specifically inhibit HIV-1 reverse transcriptase