telediagnosisTELEDIAGNOSIS VIEWERTelediagnosis of Parkinson's disease using measurements of dysphoniaWEB-Based Telemonitoring and Telediagnosis StrategiesTelediagnosis and face-to-face diagnosis reliability for melanocytic and non-melanocytic 'pink' lesions.A new medical image watermarking scheme for a better telediagnosisAn evaluation of telemedicine in surgery: telediagnosis compared with direct diagnosisMethod for carrying out a telediagnosis on a motor vehicle, vehicle diagnosis module and service centerTelediagnosis: a new community health resource. Observations on the feasibility of telediagnosis based on 1000 patient transactions.A pilot study of a combined dermoscopic-pathological approach to the telediagnosis of melanocytic skin neoplasms.