Telemedicine technology and clinical applications
Wireless telemedicine systems: an overview
Effectiveness of telemedicine: a systematic review of reviews.
Systematic review of cost effectiveness studies of telemedicine interventions
Simple telemedicine for developing regions: camera phones and paper-based microfluidic devices for real-time, off-site diagnosis.
Examining the Technology Acceptance Model Using Physician Acceptance of Telemedicine Technology
A novel biometrics method to secure wireless body area sensor networks for telemedicine and m-health
Investigating healthcare professionals' decisions on telemedicine technology acceptance: An empirical test of competing theories
Investingating healthcare professionals' decisions to accept telemedicine technology: an empirical test of competing theories
A Randomized Trial Comparing Telemedicine Case Management with Usual Care in Older, Ethnically Diverse, Medically Underserved Patien...