- Mr Jones takes the cake as a story teller.
琼斯先生讲故事是无与伦比的。 - He explained his point by telling a story.
Tell a Story.
Tell a Story
Tell a Story
A Financial History of Your Marriage: The numbers tell a story
The nature of the relationship between comprehension skill and the ability to tell a story
"You Gotta Know How to Tell a Story": Telling, Tales, and Tellers in American and Israeli Narrative Events at Dinner
Setting the narrative scene: How children begin to tell a story
Physical Attractiveness and Sexual Harassment: Does Every Picture Tell a Story or Every Story Draw a Picture?
Scales Tell a Story on the Stress History of Fish
‘They tell a story and there's meaning behind that story’: Indigenous knowledge and young indigenous children's literacy learning
Dormant black holes tell a story about the evolution of active galactic nuclei
The Hotel As Setting in Early Twentieth-Century German and Austrian Literature: Checking in to Tell a Story
Dormant black holes tell a story about the evolution of active galactic nuclei