TermitariumTermitariumtermitariumNest sites of termitarium nesting birds in SE PeruUtilization of termitarium soils by éléphants and its ecological implicationsUtilisation of termitarium soils by elephants and its ecological implicationsAfrUtilization of termitarium soils by éléphants and its ecological implicationsOBSERVATIONS OF TERMITARIUM GEOPHAGY BY BALD-FACED SAKI MONKEYS (PITHECIA IRRORATA) IN MADRE DE DIOS, PERUARCHITECTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE TERMITARIUM OF ODONTOTERMES (O.) FORMOSANUS SHIRAKITermitarium volume as a determinant of invasion by obligatory termitophiles and inquilines in the nests of Constrictotermes cypherga...Termite mounds as islands: woody plant assemblages relative to termitarium size and soil propertiesComparison of seven methods of DNA extraction from termitarium for functional metagenomic DNA library constructionThe roles of predation and competition in nest niche differentiation: evidence from termitarium nresting parrots and trogons