Tri- and tetra-valent monospecific antigen-binding proteins
Synergism in the solvent extraction of di-, tri- and tetra-valent metal ions—I Synergic effects of different phosphate esters ☆
Raman spectra of binary tellurite glasses containing tri- or tetra-valent cations
Di-, tri- and tetra-valent ion-exchanged NaY zeolite: Active heterogeneous catalysts for hydroxylation of benzene and phenol
Comparison of protective effects with tetra-valent glycolipid antigens and whole cell-inactivated vaccine in experimental infection ...
Structural and spectral studies of halogeno complexes of Tri- and Tetra-valent ruthenium
Synthesis and Immunological Evaluation of M Protein Targeted Tetra-Valent and Tri-Valent Group A Streptococcal Vaccine Candidates Ba...
Agent for nitrification or denitrification of liq., esp. water - contg. salt of tri:valent or tetra:valent metal, esp. iron@, alumin...
Application of the specific tetra-valent fusion protein of Mycobacterium bovis in the diagnosis for bovine tuberculosis
Reversible change in the valence state of manganese ions between tetra valent and divalent states on a sodium-mounted magnesium oxid...