- After some days' relaxation I recovered and then I give thankfulness to the people who rescued me.
经过了几天的休养我恢复了健康,然后就去感谢救我的人。 - At that moment my heart is full of joy and thankfulness.
此时,我的心充满了欢乐与感激。 - Send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day.
ThankfulnessThankfulness‘Some Thankfulnesse to Constantine’‘Some Thankfulnesse to Constantine’Thankfulness for Grief and Grieving: Exploring ParadoxesGratitude as Thankfulness and as GratefulnessThieves of thankfulness: Traits that inhibit gratitudeProbe into carrying out thankfulness education for nursing studentsThankfulness education:The pillar of ideological and political education of university studentsExpression of thankfulness to the Editor and his team through ‘Letter to the Editor’ for well-doing job IJAV