thenalSTUDIES ON THE CHEMISTRY OF HETEROCYCLICS. X. SYNTHESES OF THENAL- AND THENYL-BARBITURIC ACIDSMicrosurgical treatment of the thenal woundsالتخدير في عمليات استئصال البروستات التنظيرية =Anesthesia in transure thenal...Hereronymous and unidirectional thenal H-reflex in man. Neurophysiologic studythenal aspectPathogenesis-related proteins in Solanum dulcamara L. resistant to the gall mite Aceria cladophthirus (Nalepa) (syn Eriophyes cladop...On the Mechanisms of the Excretion and Uptake of the Alkaloid Aurantioclavine during the Growth of the Fungus Penicillium nalgiovens...Thenalmalononitriles5-nitro-2-thenalmalononitrile and process of preparation