- The snake suddenly opened its beady eyes.
巨蟒突然睁开它亮闪闪的小眼睛。 - Not much escapes our teacher's beady eye.
A Supplementary Report on the Crustaceans of the Group Myodocopa obtained during the ‘Challenger’ Expedition, with Notes on other ...
Boszormenyi-Nagy I., Spark G. Invisible loyalties: Reciprocity in intergenerational family
Elementary school social climate and school achievement.
Synthesis of radioactive fatty acids in vitro and its hormonal control.
Teacher Race and Expectations for Student Achievement
The role of the black media in disaster reporting to the black community
Alternative student evaluation structures and a focused schedule of instruction in an innercity junior high school.
Perceptions of Inclusion by U.S. Virgin Island Educators
Whatever It Takes 2 motivate 2-Daze Youth
A Systemic Approach to Creating an Effective Academic Environment for African American Students: Lessons from a Private School. Occa...