Thermionics...THERMIONICS.ThermionicsThe Theory of ThermionicsStored energy thermionics modular power systemThe use of thermionics in the study of adsorption of vapours and gasesThermionics, Thermoelectrics, and Nanotechnology: New Possibilities for Old IdeasThe Temperature Scale, Thermionics, and Thermatomics of TantalumSolid-state thermionics and thermoelectrics in the ballistic transport regimeSolid-state thermionics and thermoelectrics in the ballistic transport regimeThermionics Quo Vadis?: An Assessment of the DTRA's Advanced Thermionics Research and Development ProgramA new comparison between solid-state thermionics and thermoelectricsNanostructured Thermionics for Conversion of Light to Electricity: Simultaneous Extraction of Device Parameters