The Time Factor in Thermoreceptor Excitation
Modulation of ThermoreceptorTRPM8 byCooling Compounds
Phase-space structure of a thermoreceptor
Evidence of deep-body thermoreceptor response to intra-abdominal heating of the ewe.
Effect of transient temperature on thermoreceptor response and thermal sensation
Role of Ih in the firing pattern of mammalian cold thermoreceptor endings.
Tear fluid hyperosmolality increases nerve impulse activity of cold thermoreceptor endings of the cornea
N-glycosylation of TRPM8 ion channels modulates temperature sensitivity of cold thermoreceptor neurons.
Temperature Transients: A Model for Heat Diffusion through the Skin, Thermoreceptor Response and Thermal Sensation
Integrated changes in regional circulatory activity evoked by spinal cord and peripheral thermoreceptor stimulation.