- This is essentially a development of thoria dispersion strengthened nickel alloys.
Nanocrystalline thoria powders via glycine-nitrate combustionMagnetic Susceptibilities of Urania-Thoria Solid SolutionsTRANSPARENT ZIRCONIA- HAFNIA- AND THORIA-RARE EARTH CERAMICSPhase Relationships in the System Zirconia—ThoriaElastic-constant—porosity relations for polycrystalline thoriaLow temperature water–gas shift: comparison of thoria and ceria catalystsThe kinetics of ion exchange on zirconium phosphate and hydrated thoriaChemiluminescence during the catalysis of carbon monoxide oxidation on a thoria urfaceThe Modification of Alumina, Zirconia, Thoria and Titania for Potential Use as HPLC Stationary Phases Through a Silanization/Hydrosi...The modiffication of alumina, zirconia, thoria and titania for potential use as HPLC stationary phases through a silanization/hydros...