- Farmers thresh grain with threshing machines.
农民用脱粒机脱粒。 - This threshing machine can greatly raise the efficiency of labor.
Threshing machineTHRESHING-MACHINEThreshing machineThreshing machine rotorScreen for threshing machinesThe Progress of the Early Threshing MachineDevelopment of Threshing Machine for Shatter-Resistant SesameBlowing, cleaning device for threshing machine.The Spread of the Threshing Machine in Central Southern EnglandDEVELOPING THE DRUM OF THE TURKISH THRESHING MACHINEThe design and construction of maize threshing machine.Further Progress with the Early Threshing Machine: A RejoinderDesign of the Traction Type of 5 YF-150 Flax Reversal Threshing Machines