ThribblePower mechanical arm used for thribble platform of headframethribble (stand)mothers day classic 2011 thumb.jpgDEVELOPMENT OF HEAT-RESISTANT AND WEAR-RESISTANT ALUMINIUM ALLOYS.Analysis of Dynamics Characteristic for JJ250/42-K Type Drilling DerrickLeaf-litter breakdown in 3 streams in temperate, Mediterranean, and tropical Cerrado climatesCerebrospinal fluid outflow resistance in rabbits with experimental meningitis. Alterations with penicillin and methylprednisolone.Modelling hydrodynamics and sediment flux within a macrotidal estuary: problems and solutions.LRRTM1 on chromosome 2p12 is a maternally suppressed gene that is associated paternally with handedness and schizophrenia