- Thanks to powerful weapons such as the rocket launcher and flame thrower, blow up and torch everything in sight to defeat the enemy.
Exception throwerRehabilitation of the thrower's elbow.Physical examination of the thrower's elbowDevelopment of cadaveric models of a thrower's shoulderIn Vivo Radiocarpal Kinematics and the Dart Thrower's MotionGraphene nanoengineering and the inverse Stone-Thrower-Wales defectUsing virtual reality to analyze links between handball thrower kinematics and goalkeeper's reactionsComparing the effects of dispersed Stone-Thrower-Wales defects and double vacancies on the thermal conductivity of graphene nanoribb...Simulated radioscapholunate fusion alters carpal kinematics while preserving dart-thrower's motionPath of glenohumeral articulation throughout the rotational range of motion in a thrower's shoulder model.