- It's very close and thundery today.
Thundery rain in the United KingdomA THUNDERY COLD FRONT IN JANUARY 1974paper on thundery/non thundery daysTHUNDERY OUTBREAKS OVER SOUTHERN ENGLAND WITH SURFACE SOUTH-EASTERLY WINDSExtreme thundery rainfall event over south east England 20 - 21 september 1973:The synoptic setting of a thundery low and associated prefrontal squall line in western EuropeObjective forecast of thundery/non thundery days using conventional indices over three northeast Indian stationsJuly 2006 Hottest and sunniest on record over much of the UK; thundery at timesObjective forecast of thundery and non-thundery days using conventional indices over Bangalore during pre-monsoon seasonA travelling cold pool causes thundery re‐invigoration of a dormant frontal system during the early hours of 28 July 2014