Secularization of the Buddhist Thurification Ritual from Zen Books of the Tang and Song DynastiesAbout a Type of Islamic Incense BurnerCL S5IFICATION OF STANDARD VOWEL SOUNDS 19 QUESTIONS 1. What are the standard SIGNSGenistein induces growth arrest and suppresses telomerase activity in brain tumor cellsKontakt durch Kontrakt? Ministerien und Agencies in D脛nemarkConflit dans les organisations : En quoi la communication et plus précisément la gestion des conflits peuvent permettent de résou...Mercury speciation in soils of the industrialised Thur River catchment (Alsace, France)Combining Efforts for Improving Automatic Classification of Emotional User StatesPhénomènes de pédogenèse et de karstification dans le Sud-Ouest de MadagascarCharacterization of an angiotensin binding site in rabbit renomedullary interstitial cells in tissue culture: correlation with prost...