- Thymus bldies prominently increased in quantity.
胸腺小体数量增多。 - The innervation of rat thymus was observed by silver stain method.
Thymus gland
The thymus gland is a target in malnutrition
The pathology of the thymus gland in myasthenia gravis.
Innervation of the thymus gland by brain stem and spinal cord in mouse and rat
Morphogenetic interactions in the development of the mouse thymus gland
Purification and Biological Activity of Thymosin, a Hormone of the Thymus Gland
Deoxynucleotide-polymerizing enzymes of calf thymus gland. VI. Enzymic synthesis of oligodeoxynucleotides
Deoxynucleotide-polymerizing enzymes of calf thymus gland. V. Homogeneous terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
Development of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase activity in embryonic calf thymus gland *
CHEMISTRY AND METABOLISM OF MACROMOLECULES: Deoxynucleotide-polymerizing Enzymes of Calf Thymus Gland: II. PROPERTIES OF THE TERMINA...