- At last we bore down on our fear.
终于,我们克服了恐惧。 - It is difficult to fight down a desire to sleep.
克服睡意是很困难的。 - The white racists tried to keep down the Indians by force.
白人种族主义者企图用武力压服印第安人。 - Mr Carter bowled down his opponent in the debate.
卡特先生在那场辩论中把对手击败了。 - He tried his best to bear down all of his oppositions.
Bear Down
Bear down
Pressures Bear Down on Sudanese Strongman
Profile: Barbara Hatch Rosenberg. Unconventional detective bears down on a killer
Unconventional Detective Bears down on a Killer
Labor down or bear down: a strategy to translate second-stage labor evidence to perinatal practice.
SEC Bears Down on Fracking
Bear down system for yarn handling machine
The Bear-down Maneuver is a Useful Adjunct in the Evaluation of Children With Chronic Constipation